
Dr. Hao Howie Huang博士学术报告通知

应实验室邀请,George Washington University大学Dr. Hao Howie Huang博士将访问实验室,并在7月2日上午10:00在光电实验室A302进行学术报告,欢迎各位老师和同学参加。

报告人:Dr. Hao Howie Huang (George Washington University)

报告题目:Accelerating Big Data Applications in Cloud Data Centers


Large-scale cloud data centers leverage virtualization to achieve high resource utilization, scalability, and availability. While ideally the performance of an application running inside a virtual machine (VM) shall be independent of co-located applications and VMs that share the physical resources, current systems are yet to achieve this goal. In this talk, I will describe our efforts in addressing a number of computer system challenges in order to achieve optimal I/O performance in such virtualized systems. Specifically, 1) TRACON constructs mathematical models and scheduling algorithms to mitigate the VM interference; 2) Matrix leverages machine learning and optimization techniques to allocate VM resource in a way that minimizes the cost while achieving good application performance; and 3) Mortar enhances the hypervisor to pool together spare memory on each machine and expose it as a volatile data cache to improve virtual I/O performance.


Dr. Hao Howie Huang is an Associate Professor with tenure (starting Fall 2014) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the George Washington University. His research interests are in the areas of computer systems and architecture, including cloud computing, big data computing, high-performance computing and storage systems. He was a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2014, NVIDIA Academic Partnership Award in 2011, IBM Real Time Innovation Faculty Award in 2008, and School of Engineering and Applied Science Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2014. His projects won the Best Poster Award at PACT'11, ACM Undergraduate Student Research Competition at SC'12, and a finalist for the Best Student Paper Award at SC'11. Dr. Huang completed his Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia and received his B.S. in the Department of Computer Science at Wuhan University.


