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点击次数:发布时间:2008-04-14 22:02作者:admin

ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval
October 30-31, 2008
Vancouver, Canada (colocated with ACM Multimedia 2008)




Invited Speakers

Prof. Thomas S. Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Prof. Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia University

Prof. Ramesh Jain, University of California, Irvine

Important Dates

June 23rd, 2008: Paper Submission

July 14th, 2008: Acceptance Notification

July 20th, 2008: Camera Ready Papers Due


The ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval is a premier scientific meeting for discussing the latest advances in the area of multimedia retrieval. All papers in the main track must be high quality original papers which address important issues in multimedia exploration, summarization and retrieval including, but not limited to:

Exploration of media archives - browsing, experiential computing
Interfaces for multimedia exploration, visualization, query and retrieval
Indexing and search of multimedia data: images, video, audio, multi-modal systems
Digital life experience analysis and retrieval - life logs, digital immortality, life bits
Video surveillance browsing and retrieval, object detection and recognition, archiving
Learning and relevance feedback in multimedia retrieval
Applications - world wide web searching, preserving cultural heritage, trademark search, data mining, person identification, scientific media, bio-computing and medical multimedia mining/indexing (MRI, CT, ...)

Brave New Topics Session - for emerging frontier theories or applications in MIR. Note that the typical novelty requirement in this session is much higher than the regular paper submissions.

Paper Submission

Double-blind full papers (preferably 6-8 pages in the ACM style sheet in English), should be submitted through the website submission system. We recommend the authors not give any indications of authorship in the text.


上一条:Last Call for Papers and Deadline Extension: SNAPI 2008 下一条:第15届全国信息存储技术学术会议征文通知


    本项目针对存储服务模式转变对存储系统带来的影响,对面向复杂应用环境的数据存储系统理论与技术中的关键科学问题进行研究。围绕“面向服务的异构融合存储体系和复杂应用环境下泛在存储服务支撑架构”,研究内容包括:面向服务的融合存储体系结构理论;存储服务架构和效用评价方法;存储需求表达与按需服务模型;存储智能化方法;自组织的动态数据对象管理、存储虚拟化和资源共享方法;混合云存储服务及关键技术;高效能存储系统构建方法;存储高安全高可靠方法。 本项目由华中科技大学主持,参加单位有武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,清华大学计算机系,北京大学计算机系,中科院计算所高性能计算国家工程中心,中国人民解放军通信指挥学院等。

华中科技大学 信息存储与应用实验室
地址: 湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号 光电国家实验室(筹)F307 邮编:430074
Tel:(027)87792450(027)87792302 FAX:87792450